Grammarly is an outstanding free English writing tool that includes a large database of spelling and grammar errors as well as an easy online text editor. Although the software can be very accurate, users often report problems with longer documents or with advanced users. For the average user, however, Grammarly is a fantastic way to look over all of their writing and see what needs to be improved. Grammarly has additional features to help you understand your style and grammar. There are some free writing and reference tools associated with Grammarly as well.
Grammarly, for example, offers the “Anki”, a dictionary that provides synonyms, and other types of language you might not know. This will help you save time and effort in trying to find obscure words or terms in your writing. Grammarly automatically suggests synonyms and words for you, regardless of how much you write in this subject area.
Grammarly’s other main feature is its grammar and spelling-checker. It allows you to easily look up any common errors you may have made in your writing. Grammarly searches millions of resources to find exactly the term you are looking for. The Grammarly will then provide a list of synonyms, example sentences, and other information that may be useful as alternatives to the current term. You can also learn advanced grammar rules that are based on the new language you are learning. In addition, the Premium version of Grammarly allows you to re-train your eyes so that you read English the same way no matter where you are.
Grammarly Premium offers many amazing features. However, there are some limitations to the Premium version. Unfortunately, grammar and spelling checks are not available on mobile texts. To search an English term in English you will have to use either the Web browser, or your native English language program. This minor issue may be annoying, but you will never live without the Grammarly App.
Grammarly is also limited in the type of writing it can allow you to do. For example, you can only use grammar and spell checker to check your written work from an English perspective. The app cannot be used to write in English. However, you can use it as a writing tool. While this limitation is not an issue as writing skills are something that you can improve by practicing, it may limit your creativity in writing sentences.
Grammarly Premium has the greatest problem in terms of long-term quality. It doesn’t support plagiarism checking. Because you cannot copy sentences in English from any other language within Grammarly Premium, this is considered plagiarism. Note that virtually every college class requires writing. Even students who don’t like to write will probably copy the sentence. If you are lucky, you won’t get caught, but there are many cases where students have been plagiarized without being aware that they had done so. Grammarly Premium does not have any additional features beyond the matching function and word grouping to assist you in avoiding plagiarism.
For this reason, install “Mara”, a Firefox or Chrome browser extension that automatically checks for any metadata in a document and corrects any syntactical or grammar errors. Grammarly Premium doesn’t include this extension. Although it will be an additional step, it’s well worth the effort if you want to stay on top of English writing trends. Grammarly Premium remains my choice for the best product.
One final note about Grammarly: while the feature that allows you to correct your own writing gives you plenty of freedom, the lack of support for plagiarism checks means that the tool can’t always catch everything. Grammarly is a great tool, with a user-friendly interface. However, it’s important to learn how to use the program. Grammar and spelling problems can be solved by the “Mara” extension. Grammarly might be the right tool for you if you enjoy spending hours correcting your sentences.